How to configure Service (SRV) Records

For the typical XMPP infrastructure we will need 3 DNS recods. One "A" record for the server itself and two "SRV" records for service auto-detect. Here are example records:

xmpp 18000 IN A 18000 IN SRV 0 5 5222 18000 IN SRV 0 5 5269

To create them, follow these steps:

  1. Login in to Control Panel
  2. Click on DNS tab
  3. Click on "add record" button under
  4. Enter xmpp in field "Record"
  5. Select type "A"
  6. Enter in "IP or Value" textbox
  7. Press "Add" button

It was quite simple, insn't it? Well the SRV part is a little bit tricky

  1. Login in to Control Panel
  2. Click on DNS tab
  3. Click on "add record" button under
  4. Enter _xmpp-client._tcp in field "Record"
  5. Select type "SRV"
  6. Enter in "IP or Value" textbox
  7. Enter 0 5 5222 in Priority text field 8. Press "Add" button
  8. Repeat above steps for _xmpp-server record