How to properly set up a Mail Server

  1. Install Vesta Control Panel
  2. Get a domain name
  3. Link domain name with your new server.

see how to set up vanity nameservers

  1. Make sure port 25 is not firewalled

you can use SMTP diagnostic tool

  1. Make sure server hostname is FQDN compliant
root@localhost:~# hostname
root@localhost:~# v-change-sys-hostname
root@localhost:~# hostname
  1. Set PTR record.

Please contact your ISP to find out how to do it.

  1. Check server IP reputation.

Blacklist Check

  1. Eneable DKIM support.

This is optional step but highly recommended. DKIM can be enabled in the Vesta under MAIL tab.

  1. Add email users and you are all set