Vesta 2.0: Coming Soon

Vesta was acquired in early 2024 and is under a new direction with a new maintainer and sponsor. As part of our plan to revitalize Vesta, we are rebuilding it from scratch with full support for modern applications and stacks.

What will Vesta 2.0 include?

Vesta 2.0 will leverage a modern stack focused on containerization, single binary distributions, and modular components to provide the most flexibility. Our core goal is to make Vesta the go to Hosting Control Panel for applications written in ANY stack. In terms of high level features, Vesta 2.0 will include:

  • Containerization with Incus and LXC
  • Vesta Core distributed as a single Binary (written in Go)
  • A large library of cloud-init templates to initialize containers
  • A TLS/SSL Proxy with automatic Let's Encrypt integration, caching, and WAF
  • Configurable bash scripts to manage individual templates
  • A community library of cloud-init templates
  • Compatibility with ALL OSs that support Incus or LXC
  • ARM, x86, and x64 compatiblity
  • Container Snapshot backups, easy restoration, and S3 compatible backups
  • A well documented API to use and control all aspects of Vesta
  • Automatic deployments and CI/CD integration with Git repositories

What can I run on Vesta 2.0?

Because Vesta 2.0 is built around containers, you will be able to run almost any application and stack inside Vesta. For example, you can deploy a PHP + NGINX server and a Node.js application side by side on different containers, all served by Vesta's reverse proxy with automatic SSL provisioning.

What will Vesta 2.0 not include?

For now, Vesta 2.0 will not have a built in email client. You will be able to install a template that creates one, but this feature will not be bundled as part of Vesta 2.0.

How much control will I have over my server?

Because Vesta 2.0 leverages cloud-init templates, you will be able to customize the default templates to suit your specific needs. Instead of forcing a couple of options like Apache or NGINX, you will be able to install any server or application that suits your needs inside the container. Vesta will still help with SSL certificates, so you never have to worry about hosts, Let's Encrypt/certbot, and custom routes.

Why not Docker?

Docker is great for Ephemeral containers, however most applications can benefit from persistent containers that run very similarly to individual Virtual Machines but without the overhead of running a full OS. This approach enables us to run complex applications inside containers without complicating things(e.g Docker Layers).